One year passed in this university,Lovely Professional University is huge now. The intake is unlimited and still now admission is running,and this year there are more then 12000 freshers here. It crossed the limit,no I cant say wats there limit, but as a student I can say this exceeds,whether in last year the there were only 5000 freshers.Now this year the figure is double.If the growth of students remain same !! think what would be the scenario next year? That's LPU. They should provide quality service to the students how much they can manage. Here everything is huge but the student number is huge in negative way.
By the way, We are in the one of the best places in India,here student's thinking is huge,students can learn more,students are hi-tech and many more qualities are in LPU students.And this good to hear now I am an Lpuian.